Cookie Policy for Aztec Legal Services Limited

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Cookie Policy for Aztec Legal Services Limited. This policy outlines our stance on the use of cookies on our website.

2. No Use of Cookies

At Aztec Legal Services Limited, we respect your online privacy. As part of our commitment:

– No Cookies: We confirm that our website does not use any cookies. This ensures that there are no small text files placed on your device to record your visit or preferences.

– No Third-party Integrations: We don’t have third-party integrations that might bring their own cookies. You can browse our website knowing that there are no hidden trackers or cookies being set.

3. What Are Cookies?

For the sake of clarity, cookies are small text files that websites place on visitors’ devices to store a range of information, usually specific to that visitor or the device they are using. They can be very useful for improving the browsing experience. However, as mentioned, our website doesn’t use them.

4. More Information

If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy or any other related query, please contact us:

– Email:

– Postal Address: 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 4JR

– Phone: +44 141 266 0519

5. Changes to this Cookie Policy

This version of our Cookie Policy was last updated in 2023. We may make changes, and if we do, we’ll update this page so you’re always aware of our current stance on cookies.

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